

I started this Blog Officially on February 12th, 2010, I have Given you a glance at the last 2 years of Our Lives From the Birth of my Daughter Isabella till now! I have always been told I should Share my Crazy life and Unique Ideas with the World, so Here is my small attempt to start that. The 2 Years leading up to now are just quick Notes and Pictures documenting our time, all the fun stuff will start now, I shall keep you posted on Trips, Parties, Day to Day Life, and All Kinds of Amazing Ideas! This Blog will be First and Foremost to Document My Family, but as my friends and Family know that will almost always include a creative touch!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Here It Is!

Quick little note, i know everyone knows how to read a blog, but just in case there are people out there confused, your reading it backwards! haha, The Intro to this blog is the 5th post down, and then goes up with time! Read it either way though or just browse the whole site, Hope you like!!!! Remember i am just getting started... LET THE FUN BEGIN!!!!

1 comment:

  1. FYI- Tiff had to put this for me. So not my fault; all my friends are blondes and have severely impaired my common sense.
